These cards probably were used shortly after Shredded Wheat joined the National Biscuit family, which would place them 1930 or shortly after. They seem to be used to publicize other products of the parent company, much as the small “carton slips” that National Biscuit already used to advertise one of their biscuits in boxes of another. Most have a heavy double line at the bottom, and are printed in brown ink on heavy gray cardboard. They are slightly larger than the Alphabet and Slogan cards, 7¼ by almost 4″. The Uneeda Boy pictured on many of them is the familiar boy in a raincoat
This list is likely far from complete. If these cards were printed as the previous cards, we would expect there to be 36 different, although of course a design could have been repeated. With the larger size however – no doubt to accommodate the amount of text and the illustrations – it is possible that the same sheet size would have produced only 30 cards – on a 5×6 layout instead of 6×6. Under any circumstances, we show only 23 US cards, and a mere handful of Canadian cards. These can be recognized from the box of Shredded Wheat pictured, which says “The Canadian Home of Shredded Wheat,” or from the text or product – Christie’s was a brand name never used in the States.
One possible hypothesis is that there were 6 Shredded Wheat cards [the 6th being a Shredded Wheat Gruel card, like the one listed in the Canadian cards], and then 8 products with three cards each – but this awaits further discoveries. Any new input is welcome.
A reminder to order the following groceries vertical grocery list with SW & Uneeda Biscuit [no double line]
Our booklet “Health& Happiness in the Home” no double line
Shredded Wheat/with all the bran of whole wheat -bowl, pitcher, milk
Shredded Wheat/with all the bran of whole wheat -bowl with bananas
We invite you to visit us at Oakland or Niagara Falls mentions Uneeda and National Biscuit Company in text [framed text, no double line]
Uneeda Biscuit – Uneeda boy points to box of Uneeda biscuits w/outstretched arm [boy left]
Uneeda Biscuit – Uneeda boy points to box of Uneeda biscuits w/arm close to side[boy left]
Uneeda Biscuit – Uneeda boy points to box of Uneeda biscuits w/outstretched arm [boy right]
Uneeda Graham Crackers – Uneeda boy points to message about Uneeda Grahams [boy left]
Uneeda Graham Crackers – Uneeda boy points to message about Uneeda Grahams [boy right]
Fig Newtons “Uneeda Bakers” boy at right
Fig Newtons “Uneeda Bakers” boy at left
Lorna Doone Shortbread “Uneeda Bakers” . Uneeda boy above [vertical]
Lorna Doone Shortbread “Uneeda Bakers” . Uneeda boy left [horizontal]
Lorna Doone Shortbread “Uneeda Bakers” . Uneeda boy right [horizontal]
Nabisco Sugar Wafers “Uneeda Bakers Uneeda boy at left
Nabisco Sugar Wafers “Uneeda Bakers” Uneeda boy at right
Oreo Sandwich “Uneeda Bakers” [horizontal] Uneeda boy left
Oreo Sandwich “Uneeda Bakers” [vertical] Uneeda boy above
O-So-Gud Butter Pretzels “Uneeda Bakers” [vertical] Uneeda boy above
O-So-Gud Butter Pretzels “Uneeda Bakers” [horizontal] Uneeda boy right
Premium Soda Crackers “Uneeda Bakers” Uneeda boy right
Premium Soda Crackers “Uneeda Bakers” Uneeda boy left
printed in brown on gray cardboard
Come and See How Shredded Wheat is Made – The Canadian SW Company
Shredded Wheat with all the Bran of Whole Wheat – SW gruel & box
Shredded Wheat with all the Bran of Whole Wheat – SW box & milk
Shredded Wheat with all the Bran of Whole Wheat – SW box & bananas
Christie’s Arrowroot