Set XVII is a vertical view, with a Falls view over a factory view, and has a number lower right of 69875. It has the same message as the previous card:
I have just taken an extremely interesting trip through the famous Bakeries of National Biscuit Shredded Wheat here at Niagara Falls. It certainly makes one hungry to see those delicious, golden-brown biscuits in the making. [1941]
There is an open box of Shredded Wheat in the lower right corner, and the inscription in the blue strip across the bottom reads, “The Home of National Biscuit Shredded Wheat at Niagara Falls, N.Y. The back carries an inscription as a middle divider which indicates this view was printed by Tichnor Bros., Inc. of Boston, Mass.
Set XVII – National Biscuit Shredded Wheat, open box, and 69875 LR
Tichnor back on Set XVII, stamp box says “Place/One Cent/Stamp Here”
On Set XVIII, “National Biscuit Shredded Wheat” in the bottom blue strip has changed to “The Home of Nabisco Shredded Wheat at Niagara Falls, N.Y.” The card has 77066 on the Tichnor back, and comes in three different varieties. The first has a closed box lower right, which shows Nabisco/Shredded Wheat in two lines on the box, and a blue panel at the bottom of the box itself. The sky has a yellowish cast, like the card above in Set XVII. [1948]
The second and third varieties have the same appearance from the front, with the exception that the second has a lighter blue strip across the bottom than the third. The sky is now more blue than yellow. The box of Shredded Wheat pictured has no blue panel at the bottom, and Nabisco/ Shredded/ Wheat on the box is now written in three lines. The only sharp difference in these two cards is that the number on the back is in the lower left corner of the back on the second card, and in the stamp box on the third card. [1951 & 1952]
Set XVIII, A – box with blue panel, “Nabisco/ Shredded Wheat” in two lines
Set XVIII, B – box with no blue panel, “Nabisco/ Shredded/ Wheat” in three lines
Set XVIII, C – as B, except strip across bottom is darker than B, number on back in stamp box
Set XVIII, A has the same back as Set XVII, Place/One Cent/Stamp/Here, & number LL
Set XVIII, B back – Place/Stamp/Here & number LL
Set XVIII, C – number in stamp box
Set XIX One last view shows the Canadian Home of Shredded Wheat, has the number 86164 on the lower right front, and pictures a closed box of Shredded Wheat. The number also occurs in the stamp box on the Tichnor back. It was for use at the Canadian bakeries and verifies that tours were also conducted in the Canadian as well as the American plants. The message reads:
I have just taken a really exciting trip through the Bakeries of Nabisco Shredded Wheat! Saw them making those 3 delicious Nabisco cereals — famous Shredded Wheat, Shreddies with their tiny bite-size biscuits, and new Rice Flakes, the tasty rice cereal in flake form!
Set XIX – Nabisco Shredded Wheat at Niagara Falls, Canada
Set XIX back with new message
In 1953, tours of the old plant on Buffalo Avenue in Niagara Falls, N.Y. were discontinued and the plant was abandoned. A new plant already existed in Niagara Falls, N.Y., but tours were no longer a part of the advertising plan. Hence “foyer” cards were discontinued.
If new varieties surface, I would be glad to hear about them; please contact me at