Alphabet Cards

ALPHABET CARDS 1927? [based on a 1927 ad with the same theme]

Coloring contest – 26 letters of the alphabet

Produced for The Shredded Wheat Company, Niagara Falls, NY, the Pacific Coast Shredded Wheat Co., Oakland, Ca. and the Canadian Shredded Wheat Co., Niagara Falls, Ont. (Canadian cards produced in both English, and bilingually in English& French) Printed in dark brown on light brown thin cardboard.

THE SHREDDED WHEAT CO., Niagara Falls, New York:

Contest will close December 31, 1929. Money prizes offered varied:

$700 [$100 for best, $50 for 2nd & 3rd, $10 for 4th – 8th, $5 for 50 nest best, +$2 for 100 next best, & box of paints to each of four hundred next best complete sets, and to each of one hundred best collections (not complete sets)]

[the $700 cards came both with and without the final date of the contest – Dec. 31, 1929]
OR a:
$250 Every Month for children who can paint [$100 for best, $50 for 2nd & 3rd, $10 each for 4th – 8th, +Box of watercolor paints and brushes given for 10 best slips]
OR b:
$250 Every Month for children who can paint [$100 for best, $50 for 2nd & 3rd, $10 each for 4th – 8th, + Twenty boxes of watercolor paints weekly for 20 best slips]

$700 – no date $700 – with date
$250 – type a $250 – type b


A is for Appetite/good things to eat/Nothing is nicer that crisp/Shredded Wheat

B is for Bran/You need some every day/Shredded Wheat/Gives it – the tastiest way.

C is for Crackers/Eat them with cheese/Ask for hot Triscuits/And see how they please

D is for Doctor/the nicest of men/Ask him ‘bout//Shredded Wheat/He’ll tell you then.

E is for Everything/Children should eat/Best of all breakfasts/is good Shredded Wheat.

F is for Food which/We think is a treat/When Mother serves us/Our crisp SW.

G is for Grow/Which we all want to do/Eat Sh. Whole Wheat/And grow healthy too.

H is for Health/Such as SW brings/Eat it with milk/And be happy as kings.

I is for Iron/It is in SW/With rich milk or cream/It is easy to eat.

J is for lasting Joy/Felt by every girl and boy;/ Eating Triscuit makes them smile/It’s SW in cracker style!

K is for King/He likes thins to eat/If he wants to be strong/He eats SW.

L is for Life/It is full of fun/Eat SW/And keep on the run.

M is for Mother/She gives you a treat/Some rich milk and cream/With crisp SW.

N is for Nuts/The squirrels like to eat/If they had a chance/They would eat/SW

O is for Owl/He sits all day/If he ate SW/He could fly away.

P is for Porridge/The SW way/It’s warming and tasty/For every cold day.

Q is for Question/of what’s good to eat/Never a doubt about/Crisp SW.

R is for Roses/They are is your cheek/If you eat SW/Every day in the Week.

S is for Strength/For work or for play/We like to get it/The SW way.

T is for Triscuit/Made with SW/For school lunch with butter/It’s very hard to beat.

U is for Union/The home of the free/They eat SW/On land and on sea.

V is for Vigor/In work or in play/When you eat/SW/You have it all day.

W is for Wafer/Triscuit is its name/Just like SW/You’ll like it just the same.

X is for Xenophon/It is hard to spell/If you eat/SW/It’s easy to keep well.

Y is for Youngsters/Who are jolly and gay/Be-cause SW/Is their breakfast each day.

Z is for Zero/With Winter’s cold blast/SW porridge/Gives warmth that will last.


This set was repeated for the PACIFIC COAST Shredded Wheat Co., Oakland, California


Pacific Coast Shredded Wheat Co.


Money prizes offered by the Pacific Coast Shredded Wheat Company varied from those offered by the company in Niagara Falls, and were of two types:

$300 [$100 for best, $50 for 2nd, $25 for 3rd, $5 for 4th, $2 for 60 next best, + box of paints to each of 150 best collections (not complete sets)]   OR
$250 Every Month for children who can paint [$100 for best, $50 for 2nd& 3rd, $10 each for 4th – 8th, + Twenty boxes of paints weekly for 20 best slips]


It was also repeated for the CANADIAN Shredded Wheat Co., Niagara Falls, Ontario.


Canadian Shredded Wheat Company


One set of prizes was offered, but the set was printed in both English only, and English & French. We have reprinted the set, with at least part of the French text, where it is known.  The contest closing date [December 31, 1929] seems to appear only on the bilingual set, but the bilingual cards can occur both with and without a date. The English text appears to be the same as for the other two companies, with the exception of U, which in the Canadian set, become “U is for Union Jack.”

$200 Every Month for children who can paint
[$50 for best, $25 for 2nd, $5 each for 3rd – 7th, $2 for 50 next best complete alphabets, + boxes of paints for next 100 best collections (not complete sets


A is for Appetite/good things to eat/Nothing is nicer that crisp/Shredded Wheat

A designe l’Appetit…

B is for Bran/You need some every day/Shredded Wheat/Gives it – the tastiest way.

B designe le Ble…



D is for Doctor/the nicest of men/Ask him ‘bout/Shredded Wheat/He’ll tell you then.


E is for Everything/Children should eat/Best of all breakfasts/is good Shredded Wheat.

E [no second poem in French]

F is for Food which/We think is a treat/When Mother serves us/Our crisp SW.


G is for Grow/Which we all want to do/Eat Sh. Whole Wheat/And grow healthy too.

G designe la grandeur…

I is for Iron/It is in SW/With rich milk or cream/It is easy to eat.


J is for lasting Joy/Felt by every girl and boy;/ Eating Triscuit makes them smile/It’s SW in cracker style!

J designe la Joie…

K is for King/He likes thins to eat/If he wants to be strong/He eats SW.


L is for Life/It is full of fun/Eat SW/And keep on the run.

L designe la Liberte…



N is for Nuts/The squirrels like to eat/If they had a chance/They would eat/SW.

N designe les Noix…

O is for Owl/He sits all day/If he ate SW/He could fly away.


P is for Porridge/The SW way/It’s warming and tasty/For every cold day.

P designe le Plaisir…

Q is for Question/of what’s good to eat/Never a doubt about/Crisp SW.

Q designe la Question

R is for Roses/They are is your cheek/If you eat SW/Every day in the Week.

R designe les Roses…

S is for Strength/For work or for play/We like to get it/The SW way.

S designe la Sante….



U is for Union Jack/In the home of the free/ They eat SW/On land and on sea. [Union Jack]

U designe l’Union Jack…

V is for Vigor/In work or in play/When you eat/SW/You have it all day. [baseball]

V designe la Viguer…

W is for Wafer/Triscuit is its name/Just like SW/You’ll like it just the same.

W designe le Wafer (Gaufre)

X is for Xenophon/It is hard to spell/If you eat/ SW/It’s easy to keep well.

X designe Xenophon…

Y is for Youngsters/who are jolly and gay/Because SW/Is their breakfast each day


